Boy does this economy suck huh? Whatever, I'm going to stop talking about it right A new segment I'm going to attempt to add to the regular rant-ish blogs will be called 'Finds!'. Originally the economy 'talk' was supposed to segue (segway) into my history of being a bargain hunter. So yes, I am indeed a bargain hunter; not one of those extremist eBayers, so a mild one. It feels good to know that I bought something cheaper than anyone else. Taking into consideration the numerous online stores/bargain websites, there's no reason to buy something overpriced, especially on a tight budget.
This new segment will feature some items that I have bought myself or perhaps items I would have bought if I had enough money. Grr, being frugal sucks.
Anyhow the for this first entry of 'Finds!', I recently did some splurge/boredom shopping around town and happened to stop by my local Toys 'R Us. Haha, I'm still a kid at heart.
"I never wanna grow up, I'm a Toys 'R Us kid..." Whatever happened to Toys 'R Us commercials anyhow? Geoffrey the giraffe? Bad ass mofo.
I was browsing around looking at the lack of cool new toys that they had and then immediately darted for the video game rack. Ah, nothing. Defeated, I gave the clearance rack a glance and I saw some Sony-branded PS3 S-video cables. Yay! I guess I'm one of very few people that feels elated after seeing some cables. For those who don't know, S-video cables give you a slightly higher quality picture than normal 'analog' cables for your if you don't know..just do a simple wikipedia search on it.
Normally these retail for $19.99. If you will check the picture below, you can see I got them for A LOT cheaper...
Yeah, that's right, $1.60/each + I bought three of them. They were listed for $2.00, but I conveniently went to Toys 'R Us during their 20% clearance items sale. Cha-ching! Haha, now why do I need three? Well, actually I don't even need one. I'm hoping to sell these back for a menial profit. If I don't, eh, I didn't lose out on it anyhow. I could possibly gift it or whatever.
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